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Electric Vehicle Charging Options

Charging technology gets you fueled up for your next drive

List of local electricians by work performed and type of chargers installed.

Where to start when installing an EV charger

Let us know

Unitil is committed to ensuring long-term reliability for our customers as we move toward a sustainable future. As times change we rely on information from technology, the industry, and our customers to ensure our resources are configured properly to support demand and growth.

Not only is your input important to assist us, but we may have additional insight on ways you can save more with your EV.

Residential & Small Commercial

Small projects:

Installing one to five chargers at your home or business, and no more than three types of chargers? Please fill out our questionnaire in advance.

Commercial & Large Industrial

Large projects:

Installing more than three types of chargers, or more than five total chargers? Our local project coordinator can help you through the process.

EV Charger Installation Questionnaire

Please note: This form is for small/medium projects and is best completed by an electrician. If you are installing more than 3 types of EV chargers or more than 5 total EV chargers please contact Unitil's project coordinator.

* symbol denotes required fields.

Who is filling this form out
Service type
Is the customer applying for the EV Ready2Charge Rebate Program?

Please note - EV Time-of-Use rate is automatic after enrolling in the EV Ready2Charge Rebate Program.

Learn more about Time-of-Use rates

Are you looking to enter Time-of-Use rate program?
Learn more about Time-of-Use rates
Please reference EV Charging and Time-of-Use section of our website or contact with further questions.
Does the system have capability to export power (bi-directional charger)?
Please complete a DER Interconnection application found on the Interconnection webpage.

Learn more about the steps to interconnection.

Contact Information

Other project contacts

Service Information

Is the EV charger(s) to be installed behind an existing meter?

First type of charger

EV type
Is this charger capable of exporting power?

Second type of charger

EV type
Is this charger capable of exporting power?

Third type of charger

EV type
Is this charger capable of exporting power?
If install already occurred, please enter the date use began.
It is the customer’s obligation to consult with Unitil if there are changes or additions to the EV Charger data or use of equipment. If insufficient or inaccurate data is provided, the customer may be billed for future upgrade of Unitil's facilities.

Read the Terms and Conditions.

The submittal of an Application does not guarantee a rebate will be issued. The eligibility of the Customer’s Application and the amount of the Rebate is at the sole discretion of Unitil.

Do you own the property where the charger is being installed?

If you do not own the property where the ev charger is will be installed, please email a copy of your lease and written approval from their landlord briefly describing the project to after submitting this questionnaire. See section 3. of the Terms and Conditions.

Have you applied for or do you plan to apply for other ev charger incentives in addition to the Ready2Charge Rebate Program?
By filling this box you signify you agree to the items above.
This question is to prevent automated spam submissions.