For Standard Net Energy Metering (customer-generators who received a capacity allocation prior to September 1, 2017):
If the electricity received by the customer-generator from the distribution system exceeds the electricity exported to the distribution system by the customer-generator over the billing period, the customer-generator shall be billed all applicable charges on all kilowatt-hours received by the customer from the distribution system, less a credit on default service charges, for those customer-generators on utility default service, equal to the metered electricity exported to the distribution system over the billing period.
If the electricity exported to the distribution system by the customer-generator exceeds the electricity received from the distribution system over the billing period:
- The surplus electricity exported to the distribution system shall be calculated by subtracting the kilowatt-hours received from the distribution system from the kilowatt-hours exported to the distribution system over the billing period;
- The distribution utility shall use zero kilowatt-hours when calculating all default service charges. The customer-generator shall be billed for all other applicable charges on all kilowatt-hours received by the customer from the electric distribution system;
- The customer-generator shall be credited for surplus electricity exported to the distribution system over subsequent billing periods for default service charges only, for those customer-generators on utility default service. For default service customers, the customer-generator may elect on an annual basis to receive a payment from the distribution utility equal in amount to the economic value of the accumulated surplus as calculated in accordance with the NHPUC 900 rules.
All charges that are not based on kilowatt-hours, including the customer charge and demand based charges, shall be billed in accordance with the applicable rate schedule.
For Alternative Net Energy Metering (customer-generators who did not receive a capacity allocation prior to September 1, 2017):
If the electricity received by the customer-generator from the distribution system exceeds the electricity exported to the distribution system by the customer-generator over the billing period, the customer-generator shall be billed for all applicable charges on all kilowatt-hours received by the customer from the distribution system, less a credit on default service charges, for those customer-generators on utility default service, equal to the metered electricity exported to the distribution system over the billing period.
If the electricity exported to the distribution system by a customer-generator on utility default service exceeds the electricity received from the distribution system over the billing period:
- The surplus electricity exported to the distribution system shall be calculated by subtracting the kilowatt-hours received from the distribution system from the kilowatt-hours exported to the distribution system over the billing period;
- The distribution utility shall use zero kilowatt-hours when calculating all default service charges. The customer-generator shall be billed for all other applicable charges on all kilowatt-hours supplied to the customer from the electric distribution system;
- Customer-generators who receive default service shall receive a monetary bill credit for surplus electricity exported, calculated at the default service rate assessed on a per kilowatt-hour basis;
- The monetary credits shall carry forward to subsequent billing periods until used;
- If the monetary credit balance exceeds $100 as of the end of the March billing period, on an annual basis, the customer-generator may elect to receive a payment from the distribution utility.
All charges that are not based on kilowatt-hours, including the customer charge and demand based charges, shall be billed in accordance with the applicable rate schedule.
For further information on Net Energy Metering and Group Net Metering, please refer to the NHPUC 900 rules.