Receive credit for generating your own power.
Thinking about installing solar panels or a wind turbine on your property? You can offset your utility costs through a process called interconnection. Interconnection is when your power generation system is hooked up to our electricity grid, which allows power to be distributed both ways. When you create more than you need, we can share it with your neighbors, and when you don’t generate enough, we can ensure you have the power you need to live your life. The process of measuring this difference is called net metering.
Net metering requires the use of a new meter that provides information on your property’s consumption, production from your generation system, and the difference between those two values. A positive variance means you have generated more power than you needed; a negative variance means we supplied energy to meet your needs after you used your generation unit’s production. In both cases, you’re seeing a lower energy bill — it’s a win-win.

Reading Your Meter
When set up on interconnection with your utility, a new meter is required to be installed on your property. This allows us to track how much energy you have placed back on our system and how much energy we have supplied you. It is called a net meter because it will determine the net, or difference in, power used and generated at your property.
On a day-to-day basis, your net meter will show whether you have needed additional electricity on top of your own generation; the number will increase based on how many more kilowatt-hours you used. Or, if you have sent a surplus back to the grid, the number on the net meter will decrease. If your system matched your energy needs, the number will remain unchanged. You may also want to have a separate meter that only tracks your energy generation.

Did you know?
You can view your net metering historical data in your MyUnitil account.
Log in or set up an account to monitor your account(s), including credits that are applied to your future bills.