Maine — Company Gas Allowance: 1.00%*
* Company Gas Allowance, as defined in Unitil's tariff: The difference between the sum of all amounts of Gas received into the Company's distribution system (including Gas produced by the Company) and the sum of all amounts of Gas delivered from the Company's distribution system divided by said amount of Gas received. Such difference shall include, but not be limited to, Gas consumed by the Company for its own purposes, line losses and Gas vented and lost as a result of force majeure, excluding Gas otherwise accounted for. The Company Gas Allowance shall be in effect from November 1 through October 31 each year. In addition to the company gas allowance stated above, customers may be subject to additional gas allowances from upstream suppliers, including Granite State Gas Transmission.
* Tariff Reference: Part VIII, Delivery Service Terms and Conditions, Section 2, Definitions, and Section 8, Company Gas Allowance, of the Northern Utilities, Inc. Maine retail tariff.
Massachusetts: Company Gas Allowance: 0.08%*
*Company Gas Allowance, as defined in Unitil's tariff: The difference between the sum of all amounts of Gas received into the Company's distribution system and the sum of all amounts of Gas delivered from the Company's distribution system as calculated by the Company for the most recent twelve (12) month period ending July 31. Such difference shall include, but not be limited to, Gas consumed by the Company for its own purposes, line losses and Gas vented and lost as a result of an event of Force Majeure, excluding Gas otherwise accounted for.
*Tariff Reference: Section 2.0, Definitions, and Section 10.0, Company Gas Allowance, of the Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Company Distribution Service Terms and Conditions.
New Hampshire: Company Gas Allowance: 0.26%*
* Company Gas Allowance, as defined in Unitil's tariff: The difference between the sum of all amounts of Gas received into the Company's distribution system (including Gas produced by the Company) and the sum of all amounts of Gas delivered from the Company's distribution system divided by said amount of Gas received. Such difference shall include, but not be limited to, Gas consumed by the Company for its own purposes, line losses and Gas vented and lost as a result of force majeure, excluding gas otherwise accounted for. The Company Gas Allowance shall be in effect from November 1 through October 31 each year. In addition to the company gas allowance stated above, customers may be subject to additional gas allowances from upstream suppliers, including Granite State Gas Transmission.
* Tariff Reference: Part VII, Delivery Service Terms and Conditions, Section 2, Definitions, and Section 8, Company Gas Allowance, of the Northern Utilities, Inc. New Hampshire retail tariff.