Today’s right tree planted in the right place is a successful tree for the future. In the wrong place it can cause issues for everyone.
Main initiative details
The Storm Resiliency Program consists of enhanced tree pruning and increased hazard tree removal. Work locations are chosen based on several factors including number of customers affected, site conditions, line configurations, and critical infrastructures identified by towns. This program began in 2012 and has continued every year since, accomplishing excellent results in improved electric reliability.
By consenting to this important tree work, you can help prevent power outages in your community.
To accomplish this, we wish to achieve ground-to-sky clearance that would include the removal of trees and branches growing above our electric wires as well as the incompatible trees growing underneath them that could cause future problems. Please refer to the brochure below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Still have questions?
If you have additional questions, please reach us toll-free at 1-888-301-7700 or forestry@unitil.com.