Avoid service interruptions and save energy through smart yard planning.
Did you know you can protect your home from power outages and even save money by strategically planning your property’s landscaping? By choosing trees and shrubs carefully, and planting them in the right place, you can maximize your energy uptime and savings.
While you’re working, it’s also wise to be aware of the utility equipment on your property, so you don’t accidentally cause an unsafe situation or power outage.

Right Tree - Right Place
Help Unitil keep power lines and underground utility services free of vegetation by planning your landscaping. Make sure to take into account the tree’s full growth potential and mature height. Choose vegetation carefully, considering the following.

What, where, and when to plant
Want to know the ins and outs of planting a tree? Protect from outages with proper planting techniques, and save money by planting trees to maximize energy efficiency at the same time!
Notify Dig Safe before you dig
You may be eager to plant that new tree, but don’t break any ground before notify DigSafe®. You could incur a fine or cause injury to yourself or others if you hit a utility line.

Landscaping Assistance
Tree Trimming
Keeping your street branch-free
Overgrown vegetation around power lines can pose safety hazards and cause avoidable power outages. Our team of arborists and and partner line-clearance pruning vendors work year-round to proactively keep lines clear.

Did you know?
It’s your responsibility to keep trees clear of the electric service line that runs from the pole to your house.
Tips for a Smarter Yard
Ready to start planting? Check out the blog posts below to learn more about landscaping around Unitil equipment.